Dancing in the Dark


Lars von Trier’s ‘Dancing in the Dark’ tells us a very beautiful and heartbreaking story. A sick woman, Selma, lives her life of work and music. Music is one of the few things that fills her life with happiness. Even in the most difficult and hopeless situations, Selma finds room for singing, rhythm and daydreaming, imagining that everything that happens to her is just a part of the play. She works very hard, despite her health, but I won’t tell you why, as I swore by my mother’s heart not to tell anyone about it.

Visually, the film shows us not a fairy-tale beautiful scenery, but a simple picture of a small working-class American town. Yes, and the camera, as if shooting in a pseudo-documentary style, does not try to capture the beauty of what is around. But despite the drabness of the factory or the dullness of the home interior, Selma’s dreams will present the most vivid and colorful images that will accompany her wonderful performance. You will especially remember the vivid colors from the very beginning, which perfectly show us the atmosphere of what will be waiting for us.

Selma is simply wonderful in her performance, even though she is not a professional actress. Watching the way she expresses her emotions, beautifully showing both sadness, sadness, and fun with despair, you will love her character all the way through her entertainment. Yes, and all the other people you meet in her story will show themselves to be good actors who play their roles perfectly.

Since Selma is a fan of musicals, all the dancing and music you’ll hear will be performed admirably. Especially the audio accompaniment, which was written by Selma herself, will be heaven for your ears.

Turner Robert

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